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德克萨斯州农业局 保险 Puts Customer Service in the Driver’s Seat with Improved Workflow Processing

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50多年了, families have relied on 德克萨斯州农业局 保险 to help them manage risk in their everyday lives. 公司占有独特的市场地位, serving customer communities where people’s reputations are based on trust and agreements are often sealed with a handshake. 德州农业局通过强调高接触而蓬勃发展, 个性化服务是运营的标志, 鼓励许多顾客传统地把他们的会员资格传给后代. 


就像近年来许多亚博真人官方版APP一样, 德克萨斯州农业局 was experiencing challenges in maintaining high customer service levels due to increasingly complex technical processes and elevated customer expectations. Operational inefficiencies and industry pressures were also causing increases in severity for auto physical damage claims. 为了解决这个问题, 德克萨斯州农业局 needed to understand what changes could be made to improve customer service while finding solutions best suited to their cost management needs.


管理后勤复杂性 & 技术障碍

德克萨斯州农业局 had been successfully using Mitchell’s total loss and estimating products for many years, 还有其他厂商的产品. 解决新的客户服务挑战, the insurer worked with Mitchell to begin analyzing service data and evaluating claims processes, practices and standards to uncover the key factors contributing to its operational inefficiencies.


几乎立即, 德克萨斯州农业局 realized that its existing multi-vendor solution approach could not accommodate the company’s high-touch customer service model. 在索赔高峰期, adjustors and appraisers had difficulty managing customer visits and making schedule changes on-the-fly, 创建工作流瓶颈. “We are one of the few insurance companies left that have true multi-line adjusters in the field handling auto claims,马克·米切尔说, 德州农业局的自然灾害管理员. “当我们遇到一场大冰雹的时候, often times the claims would pile up and we would have to pull-in adjusters from neighboring cities just to meet demand. The overlay software we used for workflow management just wasn’t working as cleanly as we needed it to work in managing high-volume, 快速变化的情况下. 正确的答案是专注于一个伴侣, which allowed greater transparency in the claims process progression and increased adjustors’ management capabilities.”


Taking 德克萨斯州农业局’s operations to the next level required not just a different workflow product, 而是真正的技术合作. The company adopted a holistic approach to workflow management and began meeting regularly with Mitchell to review data and fine-tune processes.

在我们合作的几周内, 我们的团队开始实施变更,我们很快就看到了改进.

“历史上, 德克萨斯农业局与其技术供应商之间存在着一种买卖关系, 这已经行不通了,马克·米切尔说. “我们需要有人来和我们一起合作. 我们决定和米切尔一起"全力以赴. 在我们合作的几周内, 我们的团队开始实施变更,我们很快就看到了改进.“通过协作确定简化索赔管理的策略, 两家公司实施了一套全面的Mitchell WorkCenter工作流程亚博真人官方版APP. 这些变化减少了平均周期时间, 即使在强风暴活动期间, 同时提高客户服务水平. 新的亚博真人官方版APP还提高了亚博真人官方版APP的可修复估计的准确性, 这有助于降低成本. 德克萨斯州农业局 began seeing a reduction in severity in the third quarter of 2016 – a trend that has continued into 2017 and actually bested the industry average for three of the last nine months.


持续专注于改善客户体验, 德克萨斯州农业局’s new process enhancements provided field adjusters and appraisers with greater flexibility and capacity to manage customer estimates. 采用单一供应商系统和通用用户界面, 他们现在可以更容易地安排时间, 重新安排和组织他们的约会,尽量减少对客户的干扰, 即使是在索赔高峰期. Improving workflow also required ground-level changes to help adjusters maximize these new capabilities. 德克萨斯州农业局 launched a total loss training program to align its adjusters on the consistent handling of total loss clients and developed Best Practices training to ensure all field associates were adept at using the Mitchell solutions to optimize results.


德州农业局利用了他们自己的实地评估师团队, adjusters and managers to review proposed changes and implement a workflow solution to best serve their unique customers. 集体, the process enhancements implemented by the insurer improved their ability to service their customers during peak times while reducing claims cost management across the board. By utilizing new solutions tightly integrated with existing estimating and total loss solutions, 他们在工作流程效率和可修复的估计准确性方面实现了显著的提高. A more efficient staff appraisal assignment process helped reduce cycle times and improve the customer experience. 作为一个额外的好处, Mitchell uncovered new ways to better partner with customers and enhanced their professional consulting services.

With Mitchell, we have not only a technology provider, but a true stakeholder in our success.

但就像所有好的伙伴关系一样, 据马克·米切尔说, the companies’ are continuing to innovate to achieve progressively better operational and customer results. “我们正在试用Mitchell的下一代合规和评估服务, 以及探索新的功能,如基于照片的估计. With Mitchell, we have not only a technology provider, but a true stakeholder in our success.”